Art Powell
2 min readFeb 21, 2020


Twitter rules for Atheist/Materialists and Theists engaging in Evidence for God on my twitter feed (@savebyj).

If you would like to discuss these rules, then use this thread:

  1. We are not having theological discussions. The question here is if there is evidence that God exists. If you do believe God exists, theological arguments are not evidence of his existence. If you don’t believe God exists, theological arguments about a God who doesn’t exist is ludicrous.
  2. Do not use this type of philosophical nonsense: “Atheism is the lack of the belief in God. Prove there is a God.” Really? Okay, then “Theism is the lack of the belief that there is no God. Prove there is no God.” Yes, I can use the same philosophical logic you use. God cannot be proven to exist or not exist.
  3. The evidence for the existence of God is a Philosophical pursuit. We will use the dictionary definition of Philosophy: the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline. Science can and will be used in both the evidence for or against God, but in a philosophical context. Science has philosophical implications.
  4. We will use the dictionary definition of Science: the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. Science is not philosophy. Science can and does use philosophy. Philosophy can and does use Science.
  5. Scientism is the belief that science is and will eventually be the source of all knowledge. This is a belief system and a religion. See rule #1.
  6. Every philosophical topic concerning the existence of God is open for discussion. Treating people with respect and dignity is not. If you can’t be decent and respectful (talking to everyone), then go elsewhere. Repeatedly being an ass (and I can be one, so I know it when I see it) will get you blocked.
  7. Do not beat a topic to death. State your case, make your arguments and agree to disagree. No one should be here to convert anyone. No one can convert anyone. People make up their own minds on what they believe.
  8. Some guidelines for getting people to listen: 1. Agree when they make a valid point. 2. If you don’t know the answer, be honest. You establish more credibility. Go do some research. Find out if they are correct. 3. Be nice. People instinctively tune out assholes (a lesson I had to learn the hard way when I was young).

Let’s all approach this with humility and the understanding that no one knows everything and there is still a lot of wonderful mystery in this World to be discovered. Most importantly, have some fun!



Art Powell

Own a tech company and teach theology. Married to the same beautiful woman for thirty years.